Well, as one might expect from me, I’ve been up to a variety of activities. Everything from pouring paint on canvases for a commission I received to deep cleaning my closet. Variety like all the spices on the shelf at the grocery store. Each has its own purpose and putting too many into the pot at one time can spell disaster.
I’m hoping to be able to insert pictures where I want them in this post. You have probably been discouraged with the lack of descriptions with the pictures lately. But please be patient with me as I plan to remedy that over the next few months while I revisit each of those posts to update them.
For now, I wanted to let you in on a little adventure I’m going to be undertaking starting on February 1st. Hopefully some of you will want to come along. Lynda Heines is going to do a 'creative challenge' on her blog. https://lyndaheines.blog/2021/01/24/join-us-for-feb-march-challenge/ She’ll be having a 'link-up' weekly where we can post our progress. I like that she’s not making this a highly structured challenge, just an encouraging way to connect for a couple of months. Maybe we'll continue longer, it’s up to us as individuals. I know some folks are very good at getting into their 'creative area' on a daily basis. In the past I’ve been one of that group. But 2020 just messed with my Creative Spirit and I found myself decluttering and cleaning more often than creating. I agree that 'creating' a cleaned up environment is healthy, it’s just not the method that satisfies my spirit. So, when Lynda and I got to chatting, via email, I knew that this will be a catalyst for that part of me that wants to be creative. I’ll be very open about this, I want an audience once in awhile, or more often if I can have one! Over the past year it wasn’t easy to share my creative adventure with very many people. I’m ok with people saying, ‘what were you thinking when you made that?' Most of the time I have to say, 'well, to be honest, I didn’t know I was supposed to think before or as I was doing it', and we all have a good laugh.
So, without further ado I’m going to try to add the progress pictures of something that is, in my opinion, a complete disaster. But, I’m not going to toss it just yet, because I have a couple of neighbors that think it’s cool!!! Go figure on that: