This first picture is where I used whifle balls and tried to put color where I wanted it.
I like this one, it reminds me of sunflowers, so I will move forward from there.
These next ones had bulldog clips, or rubber bands dropped on them.
This one had a rubber door mat put on top.
These next two pictures are of my favorites of the day. I used some 12" square stencils that I purchased while I was at The Quilt Expo in Madison, WI at the beginning of September.
The one above is just the previous one with the excess fabric folded back.
I used a black on white print fabric that I have done several different techniques on since the beginning of 2014. I had ordered a full bolt thru My Favorite Quilt Shop in Green Bay, WI. It came in with a more open weave than we had anticipated, so instead of using it for the original purpose, I have been experimenting with it.
Well, that's it for today's creating adventure.
What have you been up to?
Remember to enjoy the journey.
Let's Create Today.