
Saturday, January 5, 2019

A Challenge Post

A little about me before my CHALLENGE POST:

I was born on March 5, 1950. According to google it was a Sunday. Probably snowing in Antigo, Wisconsin. I was welcomed by my Mom (Kathryn Ann Hunter Theilman) and Dad (Louise Walter Theilman). That is how I got my ‘real world’ name of Luann. My sister (2 1/2years older) got 2 middle names so when I came along my parents blessed me by not giving me one at all. The state of Wisconsin did however, on my birth certificate divide my name into Lu Ann. It’s not on anything else like that so for me it was Annie, until I started working and then it was Luann. AnnieLu was given to me by a friend when I had a website that supplied answers to sewing questions for others. The catch phrase was,,, AnnieLu will find that for you. STAY TUNED To be continued next month

Now for my first CHALLENGE POST of 2019:

One of my grandsons is turning 16 on January 20th. Last fall when I visited with the family, I chatted with his mom about making him a more adult like quilt than I’d made him in the past. Actually looking at the pictures of those other quilts, I never made this child a ‘kiddy’ quilt, but I wanted to express my gratitude for having him as a grandchild, and I’ve decided that each child would get a ‘specially’ made for them quilt upon turning 16. Heather said, Oh my, I’ve been seeing these bookcase quilts. And this kid is always reading. So,,, here’s what I’ve done so far, 2 rows in process. And I have 3 piles of ‘book sets’ to make the other 3 rows. I do have a plan, but when you’re making up the pattern, things have to be adjusted sometimes. LOL Most of the time ! !



I watched Gudrun from GEDesign Studios do a Stella Quilt. I knew that I wanted to use a layer cake of Christmas fabric so within less than 1 hour I had everything cut for the blocks for my Stella. All blocks have the 4 units made, and they sew together quickly.




Coconut Macaroons for you to enjoy.


Some eye candy of another type:


To be continued next month,,,

2 comments: said...

What a great quilt for your grandson! Yes, when the pattern is of "your" design, there are often lots of adjustment opportunities! :)

Luann Fischer said...

My adjustments always have to start with my attitude, LOL.
Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. Hope your grands are doing well.